Our Research

Abrahms, M., Sullivan, D., & Simpson, C. (2017).
Five myths about Syrian refugees: Separating fact from fiction. Foreign Affairs.

Abrahms, M. (2014).
The credibility paradox: Violence as a double-edged sword in international politics. International Studies Quarterly, 57(4), 660-671.

Abrahms, M. (2019).
Rules for rebels: The science of victory in militant history. Oxford University Press.

Bandyopadhyay, S. & Pope, F.
The link between climate change and crime is rarely discussed. Professor Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay and Professor Francis Pope look deeper into the link between the two and the long term affects on climate.

Cavoski, A, Colbourne, J, Holden, L & Lee, R 2023.
‘Precision toxicology: new approach methodologies for chemical safety’, Bio-Science Law Review. In press.

Lee, R. & Cavoski, A. (2021).
Climate change governance and environmental justice. University of Birmingham.

Bernardini, G, Chen, H, Fici, G, Loukides, G & Pissis, SP 2021.
‘Reverse-Safe Text Indexing’, ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, vol. 26, no. 1, 3461698.

Clack, T., Z. Meral, and L. Selisny (eds). (2023). Climate Change, Conflict and (In)Security: Hot War. London: Routledge.

Clack, T. (2022).
Climate change is creating security threats around the world – and militaries are responding. The Conversation.

Clack, T. (2018)
World’s worst environmental disaster set to be repeated with controversial new dam in Africa. The Conversation

Clack, T., & Dunkley, M. (Eds.). (2022).
Cultural heritage in modern conflict: Past, propaganda, parade. Routledge.

Clack, T. & Johnson, R. (Eds.). (2021).
The world information war: Western resilience, campaigning, and cognitive effects (1st ed.). Routledge.

Clack, T. & Pollard, T. (Eds.). (2022). 1982 uncovered:
The Falklands War mapping project. Pen and Sword Books.

Stevens, L. M., Rockey, J. C., Rockowitz, S. R., Kanja, W., Colloff, M. F., & Flowe, H. D. (2021).
Children’s vulnerability to sexual violence during COVID-19 in Kenya: Recommendations for the future. Frontiers in global women’s health, 2, 630901.

Rowsell, K., & Colloff, M.F. (2023).
Critique of a measure of interrogative suggestibility for children: The Bonn test of statement suggestibility. In press.

Floyd, R. (2023).
The Morality of Security: A Theory of Just Securitisation. Cambridge University Press.

Floyd, R. (2023).
‘Solar Geoengineering: The View from Just War/Securitization Theories’, Environment and Security , vol. 7, no. 2.

Floyd, R., & Matthew, R. (Eds.). (2013).
Environmental security: Approaches and issues. Routledge.

Floyd, R. (2010).
Security and the environment: Securitisation theory and US environmental security policy. Routledge.

Floyd, R, Loader, I, Wolfendale , J, De Londras, F & Roe , P 2022
The morality of security: A theory of just securitisation’, European Journal of International Security , vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 248-282.

Gordon, R., Cheeseman, N., Rockowitz, S., Stevens, L. M., & Flowe, H. D. (2022).
Government responses to gender-based violence during COVID-19. Frontiers in global women’s health, 3, 857345.

Rockowitz, S. R., Kanja, W., & Flowe, H. D.
Challenging social norms and legal responses to rape and sexual violence: Insights from a practice–research partnership in Kenya. Understanding gender-based violence: An essential textbook for nurses, healthcare professionals and social workers, 99-112.

Rockey, J., & Pickering, A. (2011).
Ideology and the growth of government. Review of Economics and Statistics, 93(3), 907-919.

Kucina, T., et al. K. (2023).
Calibration of cognitive tests to address the reliability paradox for decision-conflict tasks. PsyArXiv.

Rockey, J., & Pickering, A. (2013).
Ideology and the size of US state government. Public Choice, 156, 443-465.

Rockey, J. & Lockwood, B. (2020).
Negative voters: Electoral competition with loss aversion. Economic Journal, 130, 2619-2648.

Lockwood, Ben and Le, Minh and Rockey, James Charles.
Dynamic Electoral Competition with Voter Loss-Aversion and Imperfect Recall. Available at SSRN:

Scott, E.

Scott, E & Bagshaw, S 2023.
‘Talk Is Cheap: Security Council Resolution 2286 & the Protection of Health Care in Armed Conflict’, Daedalus, vol. 152, no. 2, pp. 142-156.

Scott, EKM 2022.
‘Compromising aid to protect international staff: the politics of humanitarian threat perception after the Arab uprisings’, Journal of Global Security Studies, vol. 7, no. 1, ogab024.

Scott, EKM 2021.
Using GIS to understand how humanitarian aid moves: response to Syrian refugee migration. American Political Science Association.

Wan, J 2010.
‘Smart-context: A context ontology for pervasive mobile computing’, Computer Journal.

Wan, J 2009.
‘Ontology-based ubiquitous monitoring and treatment against depression’, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing.